SMW Biotech

Overcome Communication Barriers
With international projects, the barriers to communications that exist between R&D and manufacturing are accentuated by the change in language and culture. Professionals in different disciplines have different approaches to dealing with the same problem. For international operations these differences are overlain with a difference in the thinking process that stems from the difference in cultural backgrounds.

This variation in the thinking process of people from different cultures is easily recognized in discussions of abstract concepts such as beauty and art. Our opinions of which characteristics are more valuable and therefore make something more attractive are to some extent rooted in our culture. Thus one culture may develop different art forms such as opera or comedy that are difficult for someone outside the culture to understand.

These same barriers overlay technical development conducted by individuals from different backgrounds. In the case of biotechnology these differences may be expressed in different attitudes toward technology (some technologies may be preferred more by one culture than another), respect for various professions (doctors may receive more respect in one culture than another), and the interpretation of regulations.

For example, in many Asian cultures, the humblest professor is accorded status far above the most successful business leader. In some European cultures workers identify so strongly with their work group that a hierarchical work structure may develop and limit interactions between lower level employees from separate departments. In the United States, the entrepreneur who tries and fails is more highly venerated than the business leader who avoids risk. Such cultural differences result in different approaches to dealing with challenges, and may lead to disagreement and misunderstanding in international projects.

Let SMW help you
Strategic Manufacturing Worldwide has particular expertise in project management across cultural divides. With overseas management and in-country living experience in Europe and Asia, Strategic Manufacturing Worldwide has the sensitivity to help you succeed with foreign partnerships.
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